My Values

Real Developers Ship

You can be the smartest person in your organization, know the ins and outs of the latest technologies, and are the person given the toughest problems to tackle but unless you're putting working software that solves real-world problems in the hands of users all of that is just noise.

Technical Excellence

More than just understanding how to execute a software development project, it is paying attention to all of the details and not letting anything fall through the cracks that separates good delivery from great delivery. Agile development, managing technical debt, and an emphasis on end user experience keeps all those details in focus.

Collaborate to Succeed

No one can know or do everything necessary to successfully deliver a software development project. Encouraging out-of-the-box thinking, open communication, and fostering an environment where team members are all free to share ideas and experiment builds team morale and energy to push the team's performance to the next level.

Mentor Yourself Out of a Job

A good technical leader invests time and effort in growing the knowledge and talent of those on their team. The junior developers of today should be your senior developers of tomorrow. Your senior developers should be the team leads on future projects. Your team leads should be your solution architects of the future.

What I'm Passionate About

Agile Development

Agile Development

Over the length of my career iterative development methodologies with a rapid, meaningful feedback loop has been the "secret sauce" on getting projects done.



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Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Finding creative, innovative approaches to solving problems takes hard work and specific techniques. Software developers and teams that aren't constantly seeking new approaches to problems put their projects at risk.



Building influence both inside and outside the team is vital to being the leader a software development team needs. Individual and team morale is as often overlooked factor in a project's success or failure.

Software Craftsmanship

Software Craftsmanship

Aenean ornare velit lacus, ac varius enim lorem ullamcorper dolore. Proin aliquam facilisis ante interdum. Sed nulla amet lorem feugiat tempus aliquam.

Sustainable software development

Sustainable Development

Software development teams should be able to deliver high quality results iteration after iteration without stopping. Sadly, many teams ignore new development approaches or automation opportunities and continue to use non-optimized methods that slows down team velocity.